Over twenty years in Forest Grove, local, reputable, dependable.
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503 359 1676 text plz
Work with Justine, Dog lady of Forest Grove Oregon
3 lessons- leash manners to off leash recall.
Work with an experienced trainer for an on and off leash wonder dog.
Dogs 6 months and up.
"I want my dog to come when I call"
"My dog will not walk nice on a leash, he is a nice dog, we went to puppy classes, but I can't take him for a walk without being embarrassed, he pulls and jumps and ignores me, Can you help? Someday I dream of having him off leash. I really want to go to the beach with my dog and have him run free and come when I call."
If this sounds like you, Justine can help.
I offer a 3 lesson package to help dogs with no/poor leash manners. By the conclusion of the first session you will be walking your dog and have most leash issues resolved.
This "fix it now package" is very popular with people that went to group lessons, and discovered that they still cannot walk their dog, the older the dog got the worse they became in public.
A second session gets tunes up obedience homework and starts the prep work for off leash work.
The third lesson starts off leash work, with the dog off leash and returning when you call, after you do a week of easy home work.
This is not a class for aggressive dogs,or puppies. Some dog re-activity can be handled, most of the dogs below " blew up" at dogs when on leash, but were not really dogs that wanted to fight. I do not work with dogs with a bite history, that really like to fight. Please call if you need clarification.
3 lessons- leash manners to off leash recall.
Work with an experienced trainer for an on and off leash wonder dog.
Dogs 6 months and up.
"I want my dog to come when I call"
"My dog will not walk nice on a leash, he is a nice dog, we went to puppy classes, but I can't take him for a walk without being embarrassed, he pulls and jumps and ignores me, Can you help? Someday I dream of having him off leash. I really want to go to the beach with my dog and have him run free and come when I call."
If this sounds like you, Justine can help.
I offer a 3 lesson package to help dogs with no/poor leash manners. By the conclusion of the first session you will be walking your dog and have most leash issues resolved.
This "fix it now package" is very popular with people that went to group lessons, and discovered that they still cannot walk their dog, the older the dog got the worse they became in public.
A second session gets tunes up obedience homework and starts the prep work for off leash work.
The third lesson starts off leash work, with the dog off leash and returning when you call, after you do a week of easy home work.
This is not a class for aggressive dogs,or puppies. Some dog re-activity can be handled, most of the dogs below " blew up" at dogs when on leash, but were not really dogs that wanted to fight. I do not work with dogs with a bite history, that really like to fight. Please call if you need clarification.
"I have been offering this lesson option for three years and have made lots of people very happy, a Malamute owner, a Great Dane owner, two Aussies and a Mastiff, and Labs, more Labs. I just have not shot as many pictures. I usually have the owner walking the dog within 30 -45minutes.
"I got a re-homed hound pointer mix, a sweet dog with no leash manners, I needed a trainer to fix his manners, not worry about our relationship! Justine was the ticket, we laughed and trained for 1 1/2 fun hours, I have my homework will be back in a week for off leash. Justine was honest on the phone, she wants to fix the dog fast and not waste my time or my money."
" I took this dog to Petco, I bought DVDS and watched all the TV programs, I looked at U tube, I tried everyone's advice and my 20 lb, three year old dog was a terror on a leash. Justine had me walking him in 35 minutes, I was stunned. We got to work retraining me! No more floor mopping with my dog! I could walk him with a quiet voice, and Justine brought out her shelties and we practiced passing, the first time my dog was calm, and I had control around other dogs.
" I also spent a lot of wasted time trying to get my dog to walk on a leash, My son is 14 and really wants to walk his dog, quietly and with no issues. 45 minutes into the program they were trotting up and down the sidewalk. Worth every dollar to see my son and his dog happy!"
"Justine was great, no pressure, I could tell her the things that failed to get my dog to behave and she just laughed. She has heard it all. Buying an experienced trainers time, one that has won ribbons, was so much better than all the cheap advice around. I loved seeing her dog set up, and having the shelties so we could practice meeting other dogs, under control."
"We brought our five year old re-homed pointer to Justine. Many of our friends had trained with Justine, and we were impressed at how well their dogs behaved. Now we are in that club too! Two sessions and we are off leash on a dog we were told would not come off leash"
"I got a re-homed hound pointer mix, a sweet dog with no leash manners, I needed a trainer to fix his manners, not worry about our relationship! Justine was the ticket, we laughed and trained for 1 1/2 fun hours, I have my homework will be back in a week for off leash. Justine was honest on the phone, she wants to fix the dog fast and not waste my time or my money."
" I took this dog to Petco, I bought DVDS and watched all the TV programs, I looked at U tube, I tried everyone's advice and my 20 lb, three year old dog was a terror on a leash. Justine had me walking him in 35 minutes, I was stunned. We got to work retraining me! No more floor mopping with my dog! I could walk him with a quiet voice, and Justine brought out her shelties and we practiced passing, the first time my dog was calm, and I had control around other dogs.
" I also spent a lot of wasted time trying to get my dog to walk on a leash, My son is 14 and really wants to walk his dog, quietly and with no issues. 45 minutes into the program they were trotting up and down the sidewalk. Worth every dollar to see my son and his dog happy!"
"Justine was great, no pressure, I could tell her the things that failed to get my dog to behave and she just laughed. She has heard it all. Buying an experienced trainers time, one that has won ribbons, was so much better than all the cheap advice around. I loved seeing her dog set up, and having the shelties so we could practice meeting other dogs, under control."
"We brought our five year old re-homed pointer to Justine. Many of our friends had trained with Justine, and we were impressed at how well their dogs behaved. Now we are in that club too! Two sessions and we are off leash on a dog we were told would not come off leash"

Tex after lesson two.
" I know it helps to start with a good dog, but in my experience it’s just as easy to start with a good dog and go horribly wrong because you don’t know what you’re doing. I am so happy to have worked with you – Tex and I are going down the right road – the one where he gets to be off leash and I get to stop fretting and start believing he’ll come when I call so we can both enjoy the walk. The humane society said he would never be off leash, or leave my cat alone. Now he does both. "
" I know it helps to start with a good dog, but in my experience it’s just as easy to start with a good dog and go horribly wrong because you don’t know what you’re doing. I am so happy to have worked with you – Tex and I are going down the right road – the one where he gets to be off leash and I get to stop fretting and start believing he’ll come when I call so we can both enjoy the walk. The humane society said he would never be off leash, or leave my cat alone. Now he does both. "